Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dear Friend,

You are my voice
when words betray me

You are my vision
when pessimism clouds me

You are my crutch
when I stumble

You are my strength
when failure befriends me

You are my guide
when I lose my way

You are the saviour
when I am in trouble

You are the ray of hope
when life fails me..

You are My Friend
For I am incomplete without you!!

Thanks for being there... Always

P.S: Friends are my wealth, I have earned them..


Opaque said...

Simple and to the point. Keep at it!!!

Arun Kumar said...

reading the first few lines ...thought it was about God...The lines fit em both..God n Friend...

Anonymous said...

beautiful! :)

Zendagi Migzara said...

@ Brosreview,
I like to keep it that way.. : D

@ Arun,
Friends are the best thing that could happen.. as I always say..

@ Leo,