Friday, June 27, 2008

Little Brother

A 7-year-old kid
Influenced by the fact that all her friends had siblings – to play with
Desired to have one too.

And then one day –
“You have got a brother”
Was I happy – not sure
As I always wanted a sister..

Heart broken, I went to the hospital, nevertheless
And there, lying next to mamma –
It was beauty unknown to me,
My bundle of joy – my brother, my child!!
A dollop of snow,
With twinkling eyes,
A tiny pink nose,
Cute little lips, like dewdrop
I could die for him..

I remember the first time I took him in my arms,
I was holding my world!

Every stage of his growing years,
Was a celebration for us –
“look he turned on his stomach”
“Oh!! He can crawl”
and with this the interiors of the house changed –
toys strewn around, chairs upturned.
He was a born musician –
Music flowing from the banging of utensils!

Then there used to be the disappearing act –
We would be fanning for him in every possible room, neighbours’
But our prince chooses to be –
Under the stinky sink, a smirk on his face
The disappearing act was not just limited to him,
But also the things in our house –
Anything that he got in his hand,
Whoosh out of the window – one of us practically just running up & down the stairs
He really helped us a lot to remain slin & trim!!

His mumble – jumble words were fun –
‘Kopekya (was playing blocks), lichi (was chilli), dukku (mosquito), timono (road roller), mutani (TV remote)’
Don’t ask how he managed this vocabulary!

“look, look – he stood up”
“How quickly he grew – he can walk now”
Aw, the number of falls he must have had –
I pity his backside, really!!

He had this uncanny smile,
You just couldn’t help but melt away. He still has..

A few months into his LKG –
Mom was called by his class teacher
“Ma’m your child is the most mischievous student I have ever met.
I turn to write something on the black board and then to the class,
your son; he’s disappeared – know where under the bench eating his snack!!!”
Well he managed to sustain this reputation all through.

He just grew – overshot me
I started looking like his younger sister,
So, did he dominate me –
Yes of Course!!!

He has grown up to be a handsome child,
But absolutely down-to-earth,
Very caring and humble
And with an excellent sense of humour!!

Yesterday, it was his Xth results,
I still can’t digest that years have flown in a blink of an eye..
My little brother is no longer a kiddo,
But would be an adult in 2 years time.
Nonetheless, it is his memories that I’ll always cherish!!